I’d be great… if I didn’t have to be me

I have so many ambitions in life: I want to learn to speak French fluently. I would love to play the cello in a real string ensemble before I die. I want to publish a book with a real publishing house one day. I’d love to get a Ph.D, if only…. And on the short-term list: I hope to knit a blanket and a couple sweaters for my grandkids before Christmas. I dream about adding a book review tab to this blog and writing short reviews of the books I’d like to share with you. I imagine myself running a marathon with my kids one day, and doing weight training to get rid of the excess whatever that dangles from my upper arms (That was embarrassing to even admit to! How vain is that???) I want to do my job well — develop good training materials for our corporate messaging; hone my writer’s workshop materials so they are more dynamic and effective; write the articles I keep saying I’m going to write; start a prayer movement among the churches in the Pacific; keep the communications team well-informed and happy in their jobs.

And I want to post to this blog on a regular basis.

So many things I want to do… but alas, they all require discipline and energy and commitment, in a seemingly revolving order of impact value, with no predictable pattern. Doesn’t matter. I rarely seem to have all three at any one time anyway, and it’s funny how missing just one little element prevents all those dreams from coming true. Sigh. I am constantly lecturing myself about this, but progress is slow — so slow, in fact that I often wonder if I’m gaining on my weaknesses at all.

That’s it. That’s all I’m going to say for today. Too lazy to write more.

4 thoughts on “I’d be great… if I didn’t have to be me

  1. Linda Thomas says:

    Bless you, busy lady!


  2. Dawn Kruger says:

    But look at you, Linda – you write and write and post and continue to tell your story, even in retirement. How do you keep going?

  3. Liz Anne says:

    This was honest; honest is good. :o) Don’t look at the date on my blog that I proposed I’d fulfill my dream, but one day in the future I’d like to work along side of you to help carry out some of the tasks you mentioned above. Maybe not the knitting sweaters part (though I’d be willing to learn), but at least the marathon training/article writing parts. Now that sounds fun!

    • Dawn Kruger says:

      Ha! I’d love that, too. I may have the sweaters knit before we work together, but I”m open to working with you on all the other parts. I’m sure they will still be issues I struggle with — even in the future. Seems I can never get on top of that “self discipline” stuff.

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